No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 PatternCompiler.hppHeader file for the pattern compiler used in log formatting
 ILogFormatter.hppDefines the interface for log formatters used in the logging system
 SimpleLogFormatter.hppDefines the SimpleLogFormatter class for formatting log messages according to a specified pattern or JSON format
 ConsoleLogger.hppConsole logger implementation that outputs logs to the console with color support
 FileLogger.hppFile logger implementation that outputs logs to files with rotation and deletion of old logs
 ILogger.hppDefines the interface for loggers used in the logging system
 UniqueFileLogger.hppLogger that writes each log message to a unique file with auto-deletion of old logs
 argument_utils.hppFunctions for working with arguments and converting them to value arrays
 format.hppFunction for formatting strings according to a specified format
 LogRecord.hppContains the definition of the LogRecord structure for storing log data
 path_utils.hppUtility functions for path manipulation, including relative path computation
 VariableValue.hppStructure for storing variables of various types
 Enums.hppEnumerations and utility functions for logging levels and text colors
 Logger.hppDefines the Logger class for managing multiple loggers and formatters
 LogMacros.hppProvides various logging macros for different log levels and options
 LogStream.hppDefines the LogStream class for stream-like logging functionality
 TaskExecutor.hppDefines the TaskExecutor class, which manages task execution in a separate thread
 LogIt.hppMain header file for the LogIt++ library
 LogItConfig.hppConfiguration macros for the LogIt logging system