No Matches
Go to the documentation of this file.
6#include "ILogger.hpp"
7#include "../TaskExecutor.hpp"
8#include "../LogMacros.hpp"
10#include <iostream>
11#include <fstream>
12#include <mutex>
13#include <atomic>
14#include <regex>
15#include <queue>
16#include <functional>
18namespace logit {
31 class FileLogger : public ILogger {
32 public:
36 struct Config {
37 std::string directory = "logs";
38 bool async = true;
40 };
45 }
49 FileLogger(const Config& config) : m_config(config) {
51 }
58 const std::string& directory,
59 const bool& async = true,
60 const int& auto_delete_days = 30) {
61 m_config.directory = directory;
62 m_config.async = async;
63 m_config.auto_delete_days = auto_delete_days;
65 }
68 virtual ~FileLogger() {
70 }
79 void log(const LogRecord& record, const std::string& message) override {
81 if (!m_config.async) {
82 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
83 try {
84 write_log(message, record.timestamp_ms);
85 } catch (const std::exception& e) {
86 std::cerr << "Log error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
87 }
88 return;
89 }
90 auto timestamp_ms = record.timestamp_ms;
91 TaskExecutor::get_instance().add_task([this, message, timestamp_ms]() {
92 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
93 try {
94 write_log(message, timestamp_ms);
95 } catch (const std::exception& e) {
96 std::cerr << "Log async log error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
97 }
98 });
99 }
104 std::string get_string_param(const LoggerParam& param) const override {
105 switch (param) {
108 case LoggerParam::LastLogTimestamp: return std::to_string(get_last_log_ts());
109 case LoggerParam::TimeSinceLastLog: return std::to_string(get_time_since_last_log());
110 default:
111 break;
112 };
113 return std::string();
114 }
119 int64_t get_int_param(const LoggerParam& param) const override {
120 switch (param) {
123 default:
124 break;
125 };
126 return 0;
127 }
132 double get_float_param(const LoggerParam& param) const override {
133 switch (param) {
134 case LoggerParam::LastLogTimestamp: return (double)get_last_log_ts() / 1000.0;
135 case LoggerParam::TimeSinceLastLog: return (double)get_time_since_last_log() / 1000.0;
136 default:
137 break;
138 };
139 return 0.0;
140 }
143 void wait() override {
144 if (!m_config.async) return;
146 }
148 private:
149 mutable std::mutex m_mutex;
151 std::ofstream m_file;
152 mutable std::mutex m_file_path_mutex;
153 std::string m_file_path;
154 std::string m_file_name;
155 int64_t m_current_date_ts = 0;
156 std::atomic<int64_t> m_last_log_ts = ATOMIC_VAR_INIT(0);
160 // потоки ввода-вывода (например, std::cin, std::cout, std::cerr) могут быть закрыты до завершения программы.
161 // В этом случае вызовы функций, которые используют потоки ввода-вывода (например, конструктор std::regex),
162 // могут приводить к нежелательным поведениям, таким как зависание или ошибки сегментации.
163 is_valid_log_filename("2024-01-01.log");
164 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
165 try {
169 } catch (const std::exception& e) {
170 std::cerr << "Initialization error: " << e.what() << std::endl;
171 }
172 }
176 wait();
177 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_mutex);
178 if (m_file.is_open()) {
179 m_file.close();
180 }
181 }
190 std::string get_directory_path() const {
191 return get_exe_path() + "/" + m_config.directory;
192 }
196 void open_log_file(const int64_t& date_ts) {
197 if (m_file.is_open()) {
198 m_file.close();
199 }
200 m_current_date_ts = date_ts;
201 std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(m_file_path_mutex);
202 m_file_path = create_file_path(date_ts);
204 lock.unlock();
205 m_file.open(m_file_path, std::ios_base::app);
206 if (!m_file.is_open()) {
207 throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open log file: " + m_file_path);
208 }
209 }
214 std::string create_file_path(const int64_t& date_ts) const {
215 std::string date_str = time_shield::to_iso8601_date(date_ts);
216 return get_directory_path() + "/" + date_str + ".log";
217 }
222 void write_log(const std::string& message, const int64_t& timestamp_ms) {
223 const int64_t message_date_ts = time_shield::start_of_day(time_shield::ms_to_sec(timestamp_ms));
224 if (message_date_ts != m_current_date_ts) {
225 open_log_file(message_date_ts);
227 }
228 if (m_file.is_open()) {
229 m_file << message << std::endl;
230 }
231 }
235 const int64_t threshold_ts = m_current_date_ts - (time_shield::SEC_PER_DAY * m_config.auto_delete_days);
236# if __cplusplus >= 201703L
237 fs::path dir_path(get_directory_path());
238 if (!fs::exists(dir_path) ||
239 !fs::is_directory(dir_path)) {
240 return;
241 }
243 for (const auto& entry : fs::directory_iterator(dir_path)) {
244 if (!fs::is_regular_file(entry.status())) continue;
245 std::string filename = entry.path().filename().string();
246 if (is_valid_log_filename(filename)) {
247 const int64_t file_date_ts = get_date_ts_from_filename(filename);
248 if (file_date_ts < threshold_ts) {
249 fs::remove(entry.path());
250 }
251 }
252 }
253# else
254 std::vector<std::string> file_list = get_list_files(get_directory_path());
255 for (const auto& file_path : file_list) {
256 // Извлекаем имя файла
257 std::string filename = file_path.substr(file_path.find_last_of("/\\") + 1);
258 if (is_valid_log_filename(filename)) {
259 const int64_t file_date_ts = get_date_ts_from_filename(filename);
260 if (file_date_ts < threshold_ts) {
261 remove(file_path.c_str());
262 }
263 }
264 }
265# endif
266 }
271 bool is_valid_log_filename(const std::string& filename) const {
272 static const std::regex pattern(R"((\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2})\.log)");
273 return std::regex_match(filename, pattern);
274 }
279 int64_t get_date_ts_from_filename(const std::string& filename) const {
280 constexpr size_t EXTENSION_LENGTH = sizeof(".log") - 1;
281 return time_shield::ts(filename.substr(0, filename.size() - EXTENSION_LENGTH));
282 }
286 int64_t get_current_utc_date_ts() const {
287 return time_shield::start_of_day(time_shield::ms_to_sec(current_timestamp_ms()));
288 }
292 int64_t current_timestamp_ms() const {
294 }
298 std::string get_last_log_file_path() const {
299 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_file_path_mutex);
300 return m_file_path;
301 }
305 std::string get_last_log_file_name() const {
306 std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock(m_file_path_mutex);
307 return m_file_name;
308 }
312 int64_t get_last_log_ts() const {
313 return m_last_log_ts;
314 }
318 int64_t get_time_since_last_log() const {
320 }
322 }; // FileLogger
324}; // namespace logit
Defines the interface for loggers used in the logging system.
Provides various logging macros for different log levels and options.
Defines the TaskExecutor class, which manages task execution in a separate thread.
Logs messages to files with date-based rotation and automatic deletion of old logs.
std::mutex m_mutex
Mutex to protect file operations.
int64_t m_current_date_ts
Timestamp of the current log file's date.
void stop_logging()
Stops the logging process by closing the file and waiting for tasks.
void initialize_directory()
Initializes the logging directory.
std::string get_last_log_file_name() const
Retrieves the last log file name.
void remove_old_logs()
Removes old log files based on the auto-delete days configuration.
std::string create_file_path(const int64_t &date_ts) const
Creates a file path for the log file based on the date timestamp.
int64_t get_date_ts_from_filename(const std::string &filename) const
Extracts the date timestamp from the log filename.
FileLogger(const Config &config)
Constructor with custom configuration.
int64_t current_timestamp_ms() const
Gets the current timestamp in milliseconds.
Config m_config
Configuration for the file logger.
int64_t get_time_since_last_log() const
Retrieves the time since the last log.
std::string get_last_log_file_path() const
Retrieves the last log file path.
FileLogger(const std::string &directory, const bool &async=true, const int &auto_delete_days=30)
Constructor with directory and asynchronous flag.
std::mutex m_file_path_mutex
Mutex to protect file path operations.
int64_t get_int_param(const LoggerParam &param) const override
Retrieves an integer parameter from the logger.
std::ofstream m_file
Output file stream for logging.
std::atomic< int64_t > m_last_log_ts
Timestamp of the last log.
virtual ~FileLogger()
Destructor to stop logging and close file.
void start_logging()
Starts the logging process by initializing the file and directory.
bool is_valid_log_filename(const std::string &filename) const
Checks if the filename matches the log file naming pattern.
std::string get_string_param(const LoggerParam &param) const override
Retrieves a string parameter from the logger.
int64_t get_last_log_ts() const
Retrieves the timestamp of the last log.
std::string m_file_path
Path of the currently open log file.
void log(const LogRecord &record, const std::string &message) override
Logs a message to a file with thread safety.
Default constructor that uses default configuration.
int64_t get_current_utc_date_ts() const
Gets the current UTC date timestamp in seconds.
void open_log_file(const int64_t &date_ts)
Opens a new log file based on the provided date timestamp.
std::string get_directory_path() const
Gets the full path to the logging directory.
void write_log(const std::string &message, const int64_t &timestamp_ms)
Writes a log message to the file.
void wait() override
Waits for all asynchronous tasks to complete.
std::string m_file_name
Name of the currently open log file.
double get_float_param(const LoggerParam &param) const override
Retrieves a floating-point parameter from the logger.
Interface for loggers that handle log message output.
Definition ILogger.hpp:27
void add_task(std::function< void()> task)
Adds a task to the queue in a thread-safe manner.
void wait()
Waits for all tasks in the queue to be processed.
static TaskExecutor & get_instance()
Get the singleton instance of the TaskExecutor.
Macro to get the current timestamp in milliseconds. If LOGIT_CURRENT_TIMESTAMP_MS is not defined,...
The primary namespace for the LogIt++ library.
std::string get_exe_path()
Retrieves the directory of the executable file.
std::vector< std::string > get_list_files(const std::string &path)
Recursively retrieves a list of all files in a directory.
void create_directories(const std::string &path)
Creates directories recursively for the given path.
Enumeration for different logger parameters that can be retrieved.
Definition Enums.hpp:46
@ TimeSinceLastLog
The time elapsed since the last log in seconds.
@ LastLogTimestamp
The timestamp of the last log.
@ LastFileName
The name of the last file written to.
@ LastFilePath
The full path of the last file written to.
std::string get_file_name(const std::string &file_path)
Extracts the file name from a full file path.
Utility functions for path manipulation, including relative path computation.
Configuration for the file logger.
int auto_delete_days
Number of days after which old log files are deleted.
bool async
Flag indicating whether logging should be asynchronous.
std::string directory
Directory where log files are stored.
Stores log metadata and content.
Definition LogRecord.hpp:15
const int64_t timestamp_ms
Timestamp in milliseconds.
Definition LogRecord.hpp:17