39 const std::string&
The primary namespace for the LogIt++ library.
const std::string function
Function name.
const int logger_index
Logger index (-1 to log to all).
const int line
Line number in the source file.
std::thread::id thread_id
ID of the logging thread.
const LogLevel log_level
Log level (severity).
const int64_t timestamp_ms
Timestamp in milliseconds.
LogRecord(LogLevel log_level, int64_t timestamp_ms, const std::string &file, int line, const std::string &function, const std::string &format, const std::string &arg_names, int logger_index, bool print_mode)
Constructor with argument names.
const std::string file
Source file name.
const std::string format
Format string for the message.
std::vector< VariableValue > args_array
Argument values for the log.
const std::string arg_names
Argument names for the log.
const bool print_mode
Flag to determine whether arguments are printed in a raw format without special symbols.