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path_utils.hpp File Reference

Utility functions for path manipulation, including relative path computation. More...

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struct  logit::PathComponents
 Structure to hold the root and components of a path. More...


namespace  logit
 The primary namespace for the LogIt++ library.


std::string logit::get_exec_dir ()
 Retrieves the directory of the executable file.
std::vector< std::string > logit::get_list_files (const std::string &path)
 Recursively retrieves a list of all files in a directory.
std::string logit::get_file_name (const std::string &file_path)
 Extracts the file name from a full file path.
std::string logit::make_relative (const std::string &file_path, const std::string &base_path)
 Computes the relative path from base_path to file_path using C++17 std::filesystem.
void logit::create_directories (const std::string &path)
 Creates directories recursively for the given path using C++17 std::filesystem.
PathComponents logit::split_path (const std::string &path)
 Splits a path into its root and components.
bool logit::is_file (const std::string &path)
 Checks if a path represents a file (by checking for an extension).


namespace logit::fs = std::filesystem

Detailed Description

Utility functions for path manipulation, including relative path computation.

Definition in file path_utils.hpp.