104 constexpr double MAX_OADATE = std::numeric_limits<double>::max();
const int64_t MONTHS_PER_YEAR
Months per year.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_LEAP_YEAR
Seconds per leap year (366 days)
constexpr int64_t HOURS_PER_DAY
Hours per day.
constexpr int64_t OLE_EPOCH
OLE automation date since UNIX epoch.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_FIRST_100_YEARS
Seconds per first 100 years.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_10_MIN
Seconds per 10 minute.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_5_MIN
Seconds per 5 minute.
constexpr int64_t MIN_YEAR
Minimum representable year.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_3_MIN
Seconds per 3 minute.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_WEEK
Minutes per week.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_HOUR
Minutes per hour.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_2_DAY
Minutes per 2 day.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_DAY
Minutes per day.
constexpr int64_t DAYS_PER_LEAP_YEAR
Days per leap year.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_10_MIN
Milliseconds per 10 minute.
const int64_t LEAP_YEAR_PER_400_YEAR
Leap years per 400 years.
constexpr int64_t NS_PER_US
Nanoseconds per microsecond.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_DAY
Milliseconds per day.
constexpr int64_t MAX_TIMESTAMP
Maximum timestamp value.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_HOUR
Milliseconds per hour.
constexpr int64_t DAYS_PER_YEAR
Days per year.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_15_DAY
Minutes per 15 day.
constexpr int64_t MAX_SEC_PER_DAY
Maximum seconds per day.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_5_DAY
Minutes per 5 day.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_MONTH
Minutes per month (28 days)
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_DAY
Seconds per day.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_5_MIN
Milliseconds per 5 minute.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_SEC
Milliseconds per second.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_MIN
Seconds per minute.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_HALF_HOUR
Milliseconds per half hour.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_HOUR
Seconds per hour.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_15_MIN
Milliseconds per 15 minute.
constexpr int64_t DAYS_PER_4_YEARS
Days per 4 years.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_30_MIN
Milliseconds per 30 minute.
constexpr int64_t ERROR_TIMESTAMP
Error timestamp value.
constexpr int64_t DAYS_PER_WEEK
Days per week.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_30_DAY
Minutes per 30 day.
constexpr int64_t NS_PER_MS
Nanoseconds per millisecond.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_4_YEARS
Seconds per 4 years.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_100_YEARS
Seconds per 100 years.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_7_DAY
Minutes per 7 day.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_15_SEC
Milliseconds per 15 second.
constexpr double MAX_OADATE
Maximum OLE automation date.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_15_MIN
Seconds per 15 minute.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_5_SEC
Milliseconds per 5 second.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_400_YEARS
Seconds per 400 years.
constexpr int64_t MAX_YEAR
Maximum representable year.
constexpr int64_t AVG_SEC_PER_YEAR
Average seconds per year (365.25 days)
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_30_SEC
Milliseconds per 30 second.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_MIN
Milliseconds per minute.
constexpr double AVG_DAYS_PER_YEAR
Average days per year.
constexpr int64_t MS_PER_10_SEC
Milliseconds per 10 second.
constexpr int64_t NS_PER_SEC
Nanoseconds per second.
const int64_t LEAP_YEAR_PER_100_YEAR
Leap years per 100 years.
constexpr int64_t UNIX_EPOCH
Start year of UNIX time.
constexpr int64_t MIN_PER_10_DAY
Minutes per 10 day.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_HALF_HOUR
Seconds per half hour.
constexpr int64_t SEC_PER_YEAR
Seconds per year (365 days)
const int64_t MAX_DAYS_PER_MONTH
Maximum days per month.
constexpr int64_t ERROR_YEAR
Error year value.
constexpr int64_t MAX_MOON_MIN
Maximum lunar minutes.
constexpr int64_t US_PER_SEC
Microseconds per second.
Main namespace for the Time Shield library.