Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
▼Nlogit | The primary namespace for the LogIt++ library |
▼CConsoleLogger | Logger that outputs log messages to the console with optional color coding |
CConfig | Configuration for the console logger |
▼CFileLogger | Logger that outputs log messages to files with date-based rotation and old file deletion |
CConfig | Configuration for the file logger |
CFormatInstruction | Structure to store log formatting instructions |
CILogFormatter | Interface for formatting log records |
CILogger | Interface for loggers that handle log message output |
▼CLogger | Singleton class that manages multiple loggers and formatters |
CLoggerStrategy | Structure to hold a logger-formatter pair |
CLogRecord | Stores log metadata and content |
CLogStream | A stream-based logger that collects log messages using the << operator |
CPathComponents | Structure to hold the root and components of a path |
CPatternCompiler | Compiler for log formatting patterns |
▼CSimpleLogFormatter | A simple log formatter that formats log messages based on a user-defined pattern |
CConfig | Configuration for the log formatter |
CTaskExecutor | A thread-safe task executor that processes tasks in a dedicated worker thread |
▼CUniqueFileLogger | Logger that writes each log message to a unique file with date-time and hash in the filename |
CConfig | Configuration for the unique file logger |
CThreadLogInfo | |
CVariableValue | Structure for storing values of various types, including enumerations |