No Matches
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12345]
 MultiStream.hppMultiStream class for unified log output handling
 BaseLoopComponent.hppProvides a base class for implementing looping application components
 CliComponent.hppComponent for handling command-line arguments using cxxopts library
 ConfigComponent.hppComponent for loading and managing configuration data from JSON files
 LoggerComponent.hppLogger component for managing application logging with LogIt
 LogoComponent.hppDefines a component for displaying a customizable ASCII logo
 LoopComponent.hppDefines a component for running a customizable execution loop
 TitleComponent.hppComponent for managing console window titles in a platform-independent way
 AppComponentManager.hppManages application components with lifecycle support
 application_utils.hppUtility functions for managing application lifecycle and components
 ConsoleApplication.hppManages the lifecycle of a console application
 platform_includes.hppContains platform-specific API includes and definitions
 service_utils.hppUtility functions for working with the ServiceLocator
 ServiceLocator.hppProvides a universal service locator for managing shared resources
 IAppComponent.hppDefines the interface for application components
 IShutdownable.hppDefines the interface for components that support graceful shutdown
 ColorManipulator.hppProvides utilities for changing text color in streams
 encoding_utils.hppUtilities for working with character encodings and string transformations
 enums.hppContains enumerations and utility functions for text colors
 json_utils.hppUtilities for working with JSON strings, including removing comments
 path_utils.hppUtilities for working with file and directory paths, including resolving paths relative to the executable
 types.hppContains common type
 components.hppEntry point for including all Consolix components
 config_macros.hppConfiguration macros for the Consolix framework
 consolix.hppSingle include header for Consolix framework
 core.hppEntry point for including all core headers of the Consolix framework
 interfaces.hppEntry point for including all interface definitions in Consolix
 utils.hppEntry point for including utility headers for Consolix