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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 Nconsolix< Utility modules and helpers
 CAppComponentManagerManages a collection of application components with lifecycle support
 CBaseLoopComponentAbstract base class for application components with looping functionality
 CColorManipulatorA utility class for managing text color in streams
 CConsoleApplicationSingleton class to manage the lifecycle of a console application
 CIAppComponentInterface for defining application components
 CIShutdownableInterface for components supporting shutdown logic
 CLoggerComponentFallback LoggerComponent when LogIt is disabled
 CLogoComponentComponent responsible for displaying a customizable ASCII logo
 CLoopComponentComponent for managing a customizable execution loop
 CMultiStreamA class for handling multi-target log streams
 CServiceLocatorA universal service locator for managing shared resources
 CTitleComponentHandles setting and retrieving the console window title
 CAppConfigApplication configuration structure
 CCustomLoopCustom loop component for the main application logic